
Converting EBITDA to Free Cash Flow

In this post we will explain the difference between Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) and Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE), and further explain how to convert EBITDA and EBIT to Free Cash Flow.

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Post Acquisition Work: The First 100 Days

What does a private equity firm focus on in the first 100 days after closing on a new acquisition? This post explores 5 areas.

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Private Equity Roll-Up Strategy: Firm Considerations

What are the characteristics of individual private equity firms that correlate to a skillful and lucrative roll-up?

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Financial Statements Quiz

Test your knowledge of the three primary financial statements with this handwritten quiz. If you want to excel at Financial Modeling, this is a great place to start.

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Private Equity Roll-Up Strategy: Industry Considerations

What makes an industry ripe for a private equity roll-up strategy? This post explores attractive industry characteristics for consolidation.

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