
From Paragliding to Independent Sponsor in Private Equity

How do you go from paragliding to private equity employee, and then transition to being an independent sponsor who successfully acquires four businesses? Check out the most recent ASM Interview to learn more.

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Working Capital Excel Template Example

Why is an understanding of working capital essential to running a business? Use this working capital Excel template (download available) to better understand the impact working capital has on profitability and liquidity.

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Hire the Best People

What good is a plan developed by the wrong team, or without the right team to execute on it? Follow the logic of those two questions and one thing becomes clear: before you do anything else, make sure you put the best talent in the best places. In other words, get the WHO right, and the WHAT will follow.

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Buy a Business or Start One? The Dan Oppedisano Interview

Should you buy a business or start one? In this interview, Dan Oppedisano explains how searching for a business to buy convinced him to start his own.

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What Makes a Portfolio Company CEO Great?

What does it take to be a great CEO at a private equity backed portfolio company? This post describes what the best CEOs do well.

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