In the early 2000s, as video games were exploding in popularity, the executives at Lego convinced themselves that their customer bas...
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business strategy
customer service
Wayfair's largely online presence and e-commerce business model is providing an opportunity to take market share at a time that "80%...
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business strategy
An article in the Financial Times reports that LVMH estimates it will deliver 12 tonnes of hand sanitizing gel to 39 hospitals in Pa...
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business strategy
An article in the FT reports that streaming giants Netflix and YouTube have reduced picture quality in response to the growing numbe...
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business strategy
U.S. restaurant sales were forecast to hit $900 billion in 2020. With the impact of the Coronavirus coming into focus, the National ...
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business risk
business strategy
An article in the WSJ states that airline customers favor the "unbundling" trend even if they claim not to. While customers claim th...
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business strategy