Introduction to Financial Statements
The financial statements are introduced in the context of building a financial model. The objective is not simply to explain what they are, but to demonstrate how they link to each other.

This video introduces the Introduction to Financial Statements video series.

The accounting equation is the single most important concept in accounting, and it is instrumental in developing a more thorough understanding of financial statements. This video explains how the accounting equation is relevant in building financial models.

This video introduces the balance sheet. The video walks through definitions, and concludes by highlighting relationships between the balance sheet and other financial statements that are important to keep in mind as you build financial models.

This video introduces the income statement. The video walks through definitions, and concludes by highlighting relationships between the income statement and other financial statements that are important to keep in mind as you build financial models.

This video explains why the cash flow statement is so important as part one of a video series. After this introduction, we will dive into a detailed explanation of the cash flow statement.

This video introduces the cash flow statement. The video walks through definitions, and concludes by highlighting relationships between the cash flow statement and other financial statements that are important to keep in mind as you build financial models. This video places greater significance on how the three financial statements relate to one another in a financial model.

This video will provide multiple visuals to demonstrate how the cash flow statement adjusts net income by every change on the balance sheet to arrive at cash, and how this calculation balances your model.

In this segment, we're going to explore some critical differences between earnings and cash flow.

EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are common metrics found in many investor presentations, which makes understanding EBITDA and acceptable adjustments to this figure important.

This video introduces a handwritten quiz and one of my favorite interview questions.